Each Fizzlebert Stump book is a whole complete story that can be read and enjoyed all by itself, although the best way to read them is in order!

4: Fizzlebert Stump and the Girl Who Lifted Quite Heavy Things

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It's the great Circus of Circuses competition, and Fizzlebert Stump has no act. He's got a best friend with a problem, a new friend with a secret, an old rival with a grudge, and a sea lion with a thing about fish. But... no act.

Can Fizz find a way to perform on the night? Can the Bearded Boy find his long-lost parents? And can Alice, a professional flower-arranger and secret Strongwoman, find her rightful place in the circus?

A story of friendship, rivalry, amnesia, and the identification of oddly-shaped vegetables.

Illustrated throughout by Sarah Horne.

To buy a copy of this book, signed by AF, for just £7.50 (including UK P&P (for other places, e-mail me via the contact page first)), press this button.

Shortlisted for The Sainsbury's Children's Book Prize (2015).

Let AFH describe the book to you in his own words right here.