Blogs and Articles AF’s written…

Every now and then I get asked to write a thing for someone’s blog about this thing or that thing, and I thought it would be nice to collect them together here so you can find them. Please not: these links open to other places on the internet and sometimes addresses change and pages are moved or replaced - I last checked that these were all correct and active in January 2025, but I can’t guarantee they’re all still there right now!

About The Afterwards

When me and Emily Gravett’s second book, The Afterwards, came out the brilliant BookTrust asked me to write about my favourite fictional duo… which allowed me to talk about Barbara Firth and her bears.

Here’s an interview, from around the same time, in which I talk about The Afterwards and twiglets and Emily, for

About The Song From Somewhere Else

Here’s a playlist to go with the book, with explanations of my choices.

About Greta Zargo and the Death Robots from Outer Space

Here’s an interview with me about Greta Zargo on the Book Activist blog.

Miscellaneous subjects

For the Reader Teacher blog, as part of Empathy Day 2018, I wrote this about The Lord of the Rings.

For BookTrust I wrote about the books that made me.

For Nerdy Book Club I wrote an article about ‘my reading journey’.

Here’s a piece about ‘the book I wish I’d written’ for Books For Keeps.

For The Guardian I wrote a piece about my love/hate relationship with Jan Pienkowski’s book Haunted House.

An interview with me by my old university in I talk about poetry and The Imaginary and other things.

Here’s the 2024 University of Reading Children’s Winter Lecture, that I was asked to give, entitled Imagining the Imaginary.