Each Fizzlebert Stump book is a whole complete story that can be read and enjoyed all by itself, although the best way to read them is in order!

5: Fizzlebert Stump: The Boy Who Did P.E. in his Pants

Fizz_PE IN PANTS.jpg

After being lost in the woods and mistaken for a very rude girl, Fizzlebert Stump suddenly finds himself at school. It's certainly different to his usual life of training to be a strongman and playing football with a sea lion!

But why won't anyone believe Fizz belongs in the circus? Will he ever make it back? Or will he have to sit up straight and pay attention forever?

A story of friendship, foolish grown-ups, mistaken identity and very fortunate case of hay fever.

Illustrated throughout by Sarah Horne.

To buy a copy of this book, signed by AF, for just £7.50 (including UK P&P (for other places, e-mail me via the contact page first)), press this button.

Let AFH tell you about the book right here, right now, in all his own words.